Who is David Robert Jones in Fringe?

Jared Harris David Robert Jones (portrayed by Jared Harris) is a biochemist and former employee of William Bell and Massive Dynamic, a connection that wasn't revealed until the season one finale.

What happened to Jones in Fringe?

However, due to unknown circumstances, Jones was fired by Bell, causing bad blood between the two and left Jones feeling the need to prove himself "special." ("There's More Than One of Everything") Jones became a genetic weapons trafficker and was eventually imprisoned at Wissenschaft Prison in Frankfurt, Germany, due …

What does little hill mean in Fringe?

Safe") "Little Hill" is the answer to a question posed by David Robert Jones in order to get an answer from Joseph Smith who he must talk to as a condition for answering Olivia's questions while in Wissenschaft Prison. (" In Which We Meet Mr. Jones") Advertisement.

Who is William Bell in Fringe?

Leonard Nimoy Fringe (TV Series 2008–2013) – Leonard Nimoy as Dr. William Bell – IMDb.

What happened to Olivia Dunham’s sister?

Rachel Dunham is the deceased younger sister of Olivia Dunham and daughter of the still-living, Marilyn Dunham. Rachel died during childbirth as she and the baby's hearts gave out.

What is wrong with Peter in Fringe?

After revealing his knowledge of the technology the new breed of shapeshifters are using, he is brought into the Fringe Division under heavy supervision. His presence is emotionally painful to Walter, who reveals that, in this timeline, Peter died when the ice broke after they crossed over from the other universe.

What we meet Mr Jones German?

After talking with Broyles, Olivia is directed to talk to David Robert Jones (Jared Harris), a biochemist being held incommunicado in "Wissenschaft Prison", Frankfurt, Germany ("Wissenschaft" is German for "science").